Bart Provost

Master Trainer – Coach

Bart Provost

Maya Baaij

Trainer - Coach

Maya Baaij

Negotiation Skills

We all want to protect our own interests, both in our professional and personal lives. It is a common misconception to think that all you need to convince others of your vision are what you consider to be strong arguments. That’s not enough. Insight into the basic negotiation techniques is a must.

Recognise these situations?

  • During negotiations, you find yourself in a tussle with partners who stick to their guns.
  • You notice that there are hidden agendas, which makes you feel insecure.
  • Afterwards, you find out that you have lost out on points that are essential to you.
  • You leave the negotiations with a compromise you are not entirely happy about.

Then you probably want to achieve this

You take your seat at the negotiating table feeling fully prepared. During the talks, you defend your vision in a calm, but persuasive manner. Despite the opposition’s cunning destabilisation attempts, you firmly stand your ground, which enables you to eventually achieve all your goals.

In this course you will learn …

  • different negotiation strategies, depending on the context
  • what to do when the opposition demands more from you than you are prepared to give
  • techniques to get someone to adjust their point of view, towards a constructive deal
  • how to optimally promote the interests of all parties


You can take this course as a company, department, team or even as an individual. Through an intake interview, we will look at how we can gear the course to your needs and requirements optimally, both with regard to content and approach. The result? A course that fits in with your reality. Contact us without obligation for a customised proposal. +32(0)486-85 15 26

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